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It's about time soenmoe wrote about this.

What were some of the most important words rlateed to the topic, and what do they mean?Carbon Dioxide- The stuff that we breathe out. Oxygen- The stuff that breathe in.Hydroponics- The way to grow food.List a few things you learnt from the video.*Wheat is a plant.*Pizza comes from plants.*The food web is just like the food pyramid.Did any parts of the video puzzle or confuse you?No because I have seen this episode before.Why is this topic important?It is important because if nobody follows the food web than some species would over populate.Have you had experiences in your life that help you understand this topic?No not that I know of except I learned the food web in school.BONUS QUESTIONSOn what do all living things depend to survive?All living things depend on plants.What do decomposers do?They eat dead stuff.What is photosynthesis?The process where plants make their own food.

To play devil's advocate, a lot of web based coepmnias don't usually have the capital to hire staff for that. Some of them are often 1 to 2 man shows trying to look bigger by having a phone service. Of course it's bad business and most of them probably know it. Point being, if they could afford to or knew where to go to hire live American call center employees or a service that had someone answer straight away they probably would.

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I didn't think I'd be back here after Drag Race early versions, but this is a great game, a good time kiellr and a well put together application.I have only one suggestion, though. Purple monsters are random, sometimes I get a manageable number and sometimes they are downright frustrating. I would suggest the spawn rate adjusts with numbers already on screen. For example, if there are 4 already, half rate. 8, one quarter. This would likely kill/lessen the kiellr spawns. Last game, I got 16 purples in a very short time. This is rare, agreed, but it can't hurt to be a little more consistent.And may I add, I have no issues with graphics. As long as items are easily recognizable, it's fine.

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